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Roots Beyond Race

Roots Beyond Race

The APM Research Lab's Roots Beyond Race project is the most comprehensive portrait of Americans’ identity available anywhere. Typically, discussions of race and ethnicity show U.S. residents in five or six broad categories. This project goes beyond basic race groups to reveal our incredibly varied populations and histories, reflecting immigration patterns across generations and up to the present.

Roots Beyond Race contains data on 198 heritage groups and demonstrates the complex, overlapping, and fascinating origins of those who live in the United States. These data are self-reported and therefore reveal Americans’ own construction of identity, as reported to the U.S. Census Bureau.

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Story ideas: Looking for a place to start? Download a list of potential story ideas for reporters and stations employing the Roots Beyond Race data.

Select Findings - Interesting discoveries for every state

Top-level Data for All States (Excel spreadsheet) - Data for each state on individual tabs.

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Please include the following citation for information sourced from this project: Source: The APM Research Lab, Roots Beyond Race, 2019. Available at: apmresearchlab.org/rootsbeyondrace. On social media, please use the hashtag #RootsBeyondRace.

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