Early Risers: Breaking Silence
About the Program
Children are like sponges, soaking up the behaviors and biases they see acted out by the adults around them and society at large. In addition, studies show children who are only a few months old are showing racial preferences for people in their lives. As children enter toddler and preschool age, their racial identity is solidifying; they are developing definitions, preferences, and attitudes about race. Before their ideas become bedrocks of their adult belief systems, they need good, well-informed, and compassionate conversations with knowledgeable caregivers that contradict implicit bias, celebrate cultural differences and explore racism in our world. But there are too few caregivers who are prepared to have these conversations with young children. Why?
In this hour, early childhood experts from around the country talk about the reasons many caregivers are not venturing into conversations about race, racism and cultural diversity and we look at the impact that has on our children, other BIPOC adults, and our early childhood programs. Finally, we explore ways to break down those barriers for the benefit of our children. We will answer the question- what is needed in our early childhood spaces to encourage the vulnerability and exploration caregivers need to enter into these essential conversations with young children?
One hour
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ContentDepot File Transfer
Preview available: May 8, 2024
Promo spot available: May 15, 2024
Program rundown available: May 22, 2024
Date content will be available: May 22, 2024
Broadcast Window
May 22, 2024 - September 4, 2024
Broadcast Rights
Available to all APM affiliates; subscription to the APM Presents package is not required for carriage. Affiliate stations may carry this program multiple times before September 5, 2024. The program must be carried in its entirety. No excerpting is permitted. Simulcast streaming rights are available for this program. Prior to carrying this program, stations must contact their American Public Media Station Relations Representative.

Dianne Haulcy
Known for her leadership and vast experience in the field of early childhood development and education, Dianne Haulcy serves as President and CEO of The Family Partnership. A non-profit created to anticipate and address the evolving needs of families and individuals, many of whom are the most vulnerable in our community. Following the killing of George Floyd in 2020, Dianne called on her colleagues in the early childhood field to wake up to the reality of racism and implicit bias in how we’re raising and teaching our children. The seed for Early Risers was planted – a podcast about racial equity in early childhood, along with a hope that we can raise a generation that will bring a new dawn of racial equity for the future.
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